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Not till seventy-five years after the deed which makes his fame was this memorial erected: a tardy recognition of the service which placed the noblest of our dependencies a Province large as an old-world empire in British hands. 'Well, Misther Robert! if ever I laid my eyes on the likes of such a ship, in all my born days!

I asked with a laugh, for it did seem in a way funny to see one of the leading citizens of old Goodloets so distressed over its improvement and modernization through its enormous prosperity. "He was down in the workmen's camp last night having a song service and seventy-five of them stayed there singing until midnight.

So much the worse for him!" He shrugged his shoulders and did not wait long for him. Next day Christophe was far away so far that all eternity would not have been enough to bring them together. And, they were both separated forever. Peter Schulz was seventy-five. He had always had delicate health, and age had not spared him. He was fairly tail, but stooping, and his head hung down to his chest.

The other stretched fifty or seventy-five feet before us, and an oil lamp on a bracket at the farther end gave a smoky light to the passage and to a mean little court on which it appeared to open. "We had better wait for the rest," said Luella cautiously. As she spoke, one of the doors toward the farther end of the passage swung back, and a tall heavy figure came out.

'Paint is on the increase, he declared 'and gambling too. Villeton tells me there was baccarat in the Marney's' apartment last night, and Lady Marney lost enormously. Age seems to have no effect on these people. She must be nearly seventy-five. 'You may be sure she'll play till the last trump, said Eugénie. 'Papa! her tone changed 'is that Elsie's chair?

On Oonalaska and its next-door neighbor westward were at least ten thousand of these Indian otter hunters, when Russia first sent her ships to America. Bassof came soonest after Bering's discovery; and he carried back on each of three trips to the Commander Islands a cargo of furs worth from seventy-five thousand to one hundred thousand dollars in modern money.

The military force in the town amounted to seventy-five men, and by the sound of trumpet they were at once summoned to their post, and positive directions were given that under no circumstances should the invading party be allowed to enter the town. The interposition of a long schoolhouse prevented the military from being seen until the party were within twenty yards of the school.

It was a radical step for a man of seventy-five years to take. He was living among his own kinsfolk. His nest was feathered. It meant leaving a certainty for an uncertainty. It meant breaking his habit of life, a very hard thing to do, and starting out on a wandering roaming life.

"You have raised his rent? a poor old man of seventy-five?" "I have no power to do that. But I understand he has had the land for next to nothing. It is worth more now." "Mr Pottinger," said Miss Rosalind, "let me tell you that if you have any hand in this wicked business you are a bad man, whatever you profess to be. I shouldn't sleep to-night if I failed to tell you that.

That was the thing to do, handle the Jackson lease in his own way and turn it over for a price far in excess of seventy-five thousand dollars. Anybody could sell things for less than they were worth, but it took real ability to realize their full value.