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"Well, this 'ere's a nice game," said the lad softly. "Won't come out, won't you? All right! More ways of killing a cat than hanging it. Go in, then;" and reaching upward with both hands, he began to press upon the butt of the spear, and drove it a little farther in. "If you can't pull a spear or a harrer out, the best thing to do is to shove it through.

Kinney remarked, "that folks should want to come so far on purpose to harrer up their feelin's all over again. It ain't as if the young man was buried here, nor as if they was goin' to mark the spot with one of them Catholic crosses like you see down in Mexico, where blood's been spilt by the roadside.

"Yon trout," said he, "was in a terrible frizz wi' the hook gnawing his vitals, and he swum about among the reeds near the bank in a manner to harrer your feelings.

Arvilly turned round and looked after him as he shambled off. "Poor creeter!" sez she. Her keen eyes wuz full of tears, and I knowed she would never stir him up agin with the sharp harrer of her irony and sarcasm if she had ever so good a chance. Josiah took out his bandanna and blowed his nose hard. He's tender-hearted.

If they come after you keep on, and leave me." "Niver, Frank Hamersley, niver! Walt Wilder ain't the man to sep'rate from a kumrade, and leave him in a fix that way. If ye must pull up, so do this child. An' I see ye must; thar's no behelp for it." "I cannot go a step farther." "Enuf! But don't let's stan' to be seen miles off. Squat's the word. Down on yer belly, like a toad under a harrer.

"I say, Master Tom," cried David, who never could see that his young master had grown a man, "did you see Pete Warboys? There: if anybody had took a hoath and swore it, I wouldn't ha' believed there could ha' been such a change. Here, look at him. Six foot high, and as straight as a harrer. 'Member giving him the stick over the wall?" "Ah, Mr David!" cried Pete, marching up. "How are the apples?

It don't look well after all this for an American to act horrified at feedin' a snake a little milk and shettin' it up in a box." She wuz fairly shakin' with indignation, and Miss Meechim dast as well die as dispute her agin. And I didn't say a word to harrer her up any more, for I knew well what she had went through.

Wall, as I say, Fiddy set at the winder, the baker-man seen the blue ribbons, 'n' Mis' Maddox's cake was dough. She put on a red ribbon; but land! her neck looked 's if somebody 'd gone over it with a harrer! Then she stomped round 'n' slat the dish-rag, but 't wa'n't no use. 'Gracious, mother, says Fiddy, 'I don't do nothin' but set at the winder.

"He's Granfa," I reiterated, desperately, "Our own nice grandfather that we haven't seen for years, and he's just come for a nice little visit with us. Why, Mary Ellen, the Bishop knows him " "Known him for years," put in Angel. "Went to Harrow together." "Ess fay," assented Granfa, eagerly. "Us were boon companions up to Harrer."

I'm done reg'lar bowled over; and if ever there was a poor devil of a toad under a harrer, I've no hesitation in admitting that toad's me! So the only point I should like to submit for your consideration is this: Have things gone too far? Are you quite sure you won't be spiting yourself as well as me over this business? Can't we come to an amicable arrangement? Think it over!"