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It is said that on one occasion he managed even to give the slip to Claverhouse himself, which, you know, is not easy." "That may be, sir, but he'll no slip through my fingers gin I ance git a grup o' his thrapple," said the swarthy man, with a revengeful look.

And there can be naething ye're callt upon to du, sae lang as she's i' the grup o' the enemy, but rugg her oot o' 't. Gien ye dinna that, ye'll never be oot o' 's grup yersel. Ye come oot thegither, or ye bide thegither. Gordon sat speechless. 'It's impossible! he said at length.

"A' see they've been telling ye what happened," and confusion covered Mrs. Macfadyen's ingenuous countenance. "Weel, as sure's deith a' cudna help it, tae be sittin' on peens for mair than twa oors tryin' tae get a grup o' a man's heads, an' him tae play hide-and-seek wi' ye, an' then tae begin on Satan at nine o'clock is mair nor flesh and bluid cud endure.

Faukner, he said at length, when the silence had grown painful. 'Humph! returned the old lady, her face becoming stony with the effort to suppress all emotion. 'Nae aboot Anerew? ''Deed is 't, mem. An' ill news, I'm sorry to say. 'Is he ta'en? 'Ay is he by a jyler that winna tyne the grup. 'He's no deid, John Lammie? Dinna say 't. 'I maun say 't, Mrs. Faukner. I had it frae Dr.

As he did so, he gave the canoe a little tilt with his foot, and Salamander went head-foremost down among the fish! A simulated cry of consternation broke from Donald Bane. "Wow wow!" he exclaimed, as Salamander's head appeared with a number of little fish struggling in his hair, and a pike or jack-fish holding on to the lobe of his left ear, "the poor cratur! Tak a grup o' my hand, man.

"O thou of noble ancestors and agreeable disposition!" he said, humbly. "Teach me the true way." "Use the interlocking grup and keep the staunce a wee bit open and slow back, and dinna press or sway the heid and keep yer e'e on the ba'." "My which on the what?" said the King, bewildered.

In fac' it's a preevilege tae hae sic an experienced hand among us, and I wudna offend Donald Menzies for onything. But yon groanin' wes a wee thingie discomposin', and when he said, kind o' confidential, 'He's losing his grup, ma ain fouk cudna keep their coontenance.

We bude to pit back the case o' 't whaur it was afore, i' my grannie's bed, to haud her ohn kent 'at she had tint the grup o' 't. Certainly Miss St. John could not have understood the half of the words Robert used, but she understood his story notwithstanding.

Still, he might have some other errand, and may not go on as far as the house. In which case, we may look for his return this way at any moment. It will never do for us to start upon their trail, leaving him coming in our rear. He would see us, and in the night might slip past and give them warning they were followed." "All that air true. We must grup him now."

"Weel, sir," said he, getting redder, "he didna exactly dee; he was killed. I had to brain him wi' a rack-pin; there was nae doin' wi' him. He lay in the treviss wi' the mear, and wadna come oot. I tempit him wi' kail and meat, but he wad tak' naething, and keepit me frae feedin' the beast, and he was aye gur gurrin', and grup gruppin' me by the legs.