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'She'll no' fend for ye the way I can, returned Meg, 'for I can bake an' mak ye sowans, scones, brose, kail o' all kinds, an' parritch. 'I'd be fain o' some here and now, replied Si, 'for ye are not very hospitable in Hawick. A sup sour ale's all I've had since I took the fell yestreen. 'Puir laddie! said Meg sympathetically.

He should have a long shafted spoon that sups kail with the Devil. Happy man, happy cavil. He sits above that deals aikers. Hame is hamely, though never so seemly. He hes wit at will, that with angry heart can hold him still. He that is hated of his subjects, cannot be counted a King. Hap and an halfpennie is worlds geir enough. He is fairest dung when his own wand dings him.

"Let us go home," whispered Miss Mary, pulling gently at Gilian's coat. "Wait, wait, no hurry for cold kail hot again," said the Paymaster, every instinct for gossip alert and eager. "And you showed him the qualities of a Highland riposte! Good lad! Good lad! I'm glad that Sandy and you learned something of the art of fence before they tried you in the Stirling fashion," General Turner was saying.

These Lowlanders of Saxon descent may well have inherited the rites from the Celts who preceded them in the possession of the south country. A common practice at Hallowe'en was to go out stealthily to a neighbour's kailyard and there, with shut eyes, to pull up the first kail stock that came to hand.

But the fool Ruthvens marred that job, and got their kail through the reek. I'm wandering. He helped himself to another dram, and went on, 'Ye see what I want, ye must stop that marriage. 'But, said Merton, 'as you are so kindly disposed towards your kinsman, this Mr. Logan, may I ask whether it would not be wise to address him yourself, as the head of his house?

"Weel, sir," said he, getting redder, "he didna exactly dee; he was killed. I had to brain him wi' a rack-pin; there was nae doin' wi' him. He lay in the treviss wi' the mear, and wadna come oot. I tempit him wi' kail and meat, but he wad tak' naething, and keepit me frae feedin' the beast, and he was aye gur gurrin', and grup gruppin' me by the legs.

His Grace nowadays might be granting the poor people a little more room to grow in, some soil for their kail, and a better prospect from their windows than the whitewashed wall of the opposite land; but in the matter of air there was and is no complaint The sea in stormy days came bellowing to the very doors, salt and stinging, tremendous blue and cold.

It is only a garden of kail and potatoes, but there may be a line of daisies, white and red, on each side of the narrow footpath, and honeysuckle over the door. Life is not always hard, even after backs grow bent, and we know that all braes lead only to the grave. This is Jess's window.

There was a fine sharp frost the other nicht, and I observed the rime lying upon the kail; so that baith greens and savoys will be as tender as a weel-boiled three-month-auld chicken; and I say, therefore, let the beef be boiled, and let them hae ladlefu's o' kail, and ye will find, sir, that instead o' a hail bullock, even if ye intend to feast auld and young, male and female, upon the lands o' Oakwood, a quarter o' a bullock will be amply sufficient, and the rest can be sauted doun for winter's provisions.

"The front attack is only a feint. When they think we are all busy here, another detachment will try to rush the place from the back and to set fire to the building. We'll 'give them their kail through the reek." Moore's dispositions were quickly made. He left me with some ten of the blacks to keep up as heavy a fire as possible from the roof against the advancing skirmishers.