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And so it kept running in his mind, quietly, cold-bloodedly, tactfully down the narrow, crooked, slum-alleys of his mind: "I will I will drop her now!" She ceased there were tears in her eyes and her face was blanched whiter even than the cloud. He arose quickly and glanced at the setting sun: "Oh, say, but I must get the Gov'nor's mare back. Jim will miss her at feeding time."

"When I was a boy over in New Hampshire," he would say, "I got it into my head that if I could only get away to a new place I sh'd get to be something big; and the farther away I got, the bigger I expected to be. Colorado was a territory then, 'n I thought, 'f I could only get out here they'd make me gov'nor's like 's not.

Thar's no sweetheart, no mother, no sister for him. "'No one about Warwhoop knows this yere party much; more'n his name is Bent. He's captain with the Gov'nor's commission, an' comes from 'way-off yonder some'ers. An' so he sets thar, grim an' solid in his saddle, lookin' vague-like off at where the trees meets the sky, while the rest of us is goin' about permiscus, finishin' up our kissin'.

'The fact is, Sir, said Sam, with a slight bow, 'the gov'nor's been a-drawin' his money. 'Wery good, Samivel, wery good, said Mr. Weller, nodding his head with a satisfied air, 'I didn't mean to speak harsh to you, Sammy. Wery good. That's the vay to begin. Come to the pint at once. Wery good indeed, Samivel. Mr.

Weller, returned Arabella, 'go on. Make haste, pray. 'Well, miss, said Sam, 'he's heerd all about it from him; and it's the gov'nor's opinion that if you don't see him wery quick, the sawbones as we've been a-speakin' on, 'ull get as much extra lead in his head as'll rayther damage the dewelopment o' the orgins if they ever put it in spirits artervards.

He sniffed and snorted defiance as he lay, and his brow was damp with the sweat of battle, and his lips curled with the smile of victory. As soon as he awoke his hand sought the pocket where the wonderful book lay; and even as he tidied up the office and prepared the gov'nor's breakfast, he was engaged in mortal inward combats.

He had been forced to bribe the fellow heavily for him, and in addition to place himself entirely at his mercy, so that in the future, if he was successful in getting the papers, this scoundrel would be always coming upon him for money, and getting it by threats. "I can't help it," muttered Sam; "it's the gov'nor's fault, and he'll have to pay for it all. He sent me, and pooh, it isn't stealing.

She sat down by his side and looked fondly up into his face, flushed with exercise and smiling half cynically. It was the same smile seen so often on the face of Richard Travis. "Oh, say," he said, dolefully, "but don't start the hubby-come-to-taw-business on me until we are married. I was late because I had to steal the Gov'nor's new mare isn't she a beauty?"

"I'se gwine tell 'em I kin prove de gov'nor's de bes' man in de State by'splainin' er de tarif dat I kin prove it by'splainin' er de tarif so dey'll unnerstan' it ev'y word an' when I flirt my hank'chif dat time, Bob's gwine call out 'Yo' time's up, boss! an' I'se gwine answer back, 'Naw 'tain't, Bob, des lemme 'splain de tarif.

"No chance now, I'm a-feared," remarked his companion. "The gov'nor's as stiff as a nor'wester. Nothin' in the world can turn him once he's made up his mind, but a regular sou'easter. Now, if you had been my son, and yonder tight craft my ship, I would have said, come, at once. But your father knows best, lad, and you're a wise son to obey orders cheerfully, without question.