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She was well brung up and educated, and she larned my darters French the real Simon Pure for she was a Canadian, and her grandfather came from Gascony. But his fate vos a orful lesson. Benevolence, like an oyster-roast, is good for nothink if it's over done. And now, Samivel, my boy, a-jew, for I have a sworray this evenin', and receive half Beacon Street. A-jew.

'Wot do you mean by her making jokes? demanded Sam, quite aghast at the obscurity of his parent's speech. 'Never you mind, Samivel, returned Mr. Weller gravely; 'puns may be wery good things or they may be wery bad 'uns, and a female may be none the better or she may be none the vurse for making of 'em; that's got nothing to do vith widders.

'This here money, said Sam, with a little hesitation, 'he's anxious to put someveres, vere he knows it'll be safe, and I'm wery anxious too, for if he keeps it, he'll go a-lendin' it to somebody, or inwestin' property in horses, or droppin' his pocket-book down an airy, or makin' a Egyptian mummy of his-self in some vay or another. 'Wery good, Samivel, observed Mr.

Weller, 'the funs; two hundred pounds o' the money is to be inwested for you, Samivel, in the funs; four and a half per cent. reduced counsels, Sammy. 'Wery kind o' the old lady to think o' me, said Sam, 'and I'm wery much obliged to her. 'The rest will be inwested in my name, continued the elder Mr.

If ever you gets to up'ards o' fifty, and feels disposed to go a-marryin' anybody no matter who jist you shut yourself up in your own room, if you've got one, and pison yourself off hand. Hangin's wulgar, so don't you have nothin' to say to that. Pison yourself, Samivel, my boy, pison yourself, and you'll be glad on it arterwards. With these affecting words, Mr.

'Wery good, sir; tell another, returned the chair. 'We wos a talking jist now, sir, said Sam, turning to Slithers, 'about barbers. Pursuing that 'ere fruitful theme, sir, I'll tell you in a wery few words a romantic little story about another barber as p'r'aps you may never have heerd. 'Samivel! said Mr.

Weller, said the buxom female, 'I'm sure I only spoke to you out of kindness. 'Wery likely, mum, replied Mr. Weller. 'Samivel, show the lady out, and shut the door after her. This hint was not lost upon the buxom female; for she at once left the room, and slammed the door behind her, upon which Mr. Weller, senior, falling back in his chair in a violent perspiration, said

Geordie whistled to a couple of his chums, whom he presented as Marly Turner and Sam Graves. "Now," went on Geordie, who was a born manager, "we're eight of us, that's enough for a table to our own selves. Nail one, Samivel." The way to the dining-room lay through a crush of guests, every one, it seemed, headed in a different direction. "Why don't they all go one way?" asked Dotty,

Be generous, Samivel, but don't carry generosity to XS, for an antidote I'm about to relate, out of my pusnol experience, illustrates the evil effex of excessive philanthrophy. A little gal used to come into my shop to buy oysters. I seen she was some kind of a foreigner, so I set her down for Dutch as them vas the only foreigners I vas acquainted vith at the time.

I see him, said the old gentleman, with a moisture in his eye, which could not be mistaken, 'I see him gettin', every journey, more and more groggy; I says to Samivel, "My boy! the Grey's a-goin' at the knees;" and now my predilictions is fatally werified, and him as I could never do enough to serve or show my likin' for, is up the great uniwersal spout o' natur'.