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"Gorgo!" he cried with a reproachful accent, but she could not control her indignation and went on more vehemently than ever: "You stopped with that little hussy on your way to me stopped to trifle and flirt with her! Shame! Yes, I say shame! Men are thought lucky in being light-hearted, but, for my part, may the gods preserve me from such luck!

I, whom you think such a flirt, I prefer a man of fifty to these brats. A man who will stick by me, who is devoted, who knows a woman is not to be picked up every day, and appreciates us. That is what I love you for, you old monster! and they fill up these avowals with little pettings and prettinesses and Faugh! they are as false as the bills on the Hotel de Ville."

There could scarcely be anything prettier than the dying fall of the refrain that ended every verse: "With a fa, la, la, Perhaps permit some happier man To kiss your hand or flirt your fan, With a fa, la, la."

He thought he was too smart to go to college." Kent stirred uncomfortably. "I don't think I'm too smart, but I want to make money, quick." "I don't see what the hurry is. Is it Olga?" "Of course it isn't Olga! She's all right to flirt with and a peachy looker, but you don't suppose a fellow wants to marry every girl he gets crazy about!" "I didn't know," said Lydia, meekly.

For the first time in her life she did not know what it was she really wanted, or rather she was uncertain as to what it would be best for her to do. The thought of seeing Jack Tosswill, of having to fence and flirt with him in her present disturbed state of mind, had been intolerable. That was the real reason why she had stayed upstairs all to-day.

"She don't flirt any herself, does she?" asked Mr Green, coolly. "Miss Elliott, I mean." Mr Snow turned on him astonished eyes. "I don't know as I understand what you mean by flirting. I always supposed it was something wrong, or, at least, something unbecoming in any woman, married or single. Graeme ain't one of that sort." Mr Green shrugged his shoulders incredulously.

Vivian felt this unpleasant truth in all its intensity. His interesting cogitation was cut short in a little while by the entrance of a bevy of comrades, and he had to come down and stand at the front door, to flirt and "carry on" with the girls that passed, and otherwise contribute towards the amusement of the crowd.

Fathers, cannot you alter these things?... You would wish to be proud of your daughters, and not to blush for them, then seek for them an interest and an occupation which shall raise them above the flirt, the manoeuvrer, the mischief-making talebearer.

From some of her friends Nelly heard what a secluded life the two brothers led, and how especially averse they seemed to female society, and, with the appetite for conquest of a true flirt, she at once determined on adding them to the list of her victims. It was not long before she had an opportunity for beginning her wiles.

The same turn of mind which makes a woman of the world such an excellent hostess, enables a flirt to excel in the art of amusing a number of suitors.