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The Tryst of the White Lady "I wisht ye'd git married, Roger," said Catherine Ames. "I'm gitting too old to work seventy last April and who's going to look after ye when I'm gone. Git married, b'y git married." Roger Temple winced. His aunt's harsh, disagreeable voice always jarred horribly on his sensitive nerves.

Trimble laughed heartily, and shook the reins three or four times by way of emphasis. "There's no gitting round you," she said, much pleased. "I should think Deacon Bray would want to rise, any way, if 't was so he could, an' knew how his poor girls was farin'. A man ought to provide for his folks he's got to leave behind him, specially if they're women.

"You leave my woman I go. Sabe?" The trader burst into his hoarse laugh. "Go to hell! Can't you take a joke? We're pards, ain't we? Can't I josh the gal without you gitting rattlesnakey? Don't suppose I meant it, do you? Come on, Dad. Git a hustle on you. We got to hold that seance." He looked at Lennon with a hard smile. "We run a lodge here Spirits Order Secret Scotch Rites.

When he was gone, Andy breathed freer and put his mind to the coming contest and the things he meant to do with the purse and with the other contestants. "That Diamond G twister is going t' ride," Happy Jack announced, one day when he came from town. "Some uh the boys was in town and they said so. He can ride, too. I betche Andy don't have no picnic gitting the purse away from that feller.

When he died his widow offered it to the government, but they hummed and hawed about the price, and was for gitting it for half nothing, as they always do.

In two weeks perhaps it was less, though I want to be perfectly just Casey was back, afoot and standing bow-legged in the doorway of Bill Master's garage at Lund. "Gimme another one of them Ford auty-mo-biles," he requested, grinning a little. "I guess mebby I oughta take two or three but I'm a little short right now, Bill. I ain't been gitting any good luck at poker, lately."

Twenty pounds! Wal, I declare if there won't be some rare killings! Now I'll hustle right back along with you. I've felt all the time that some one would be gitting hair that belonged to me if I come off the creek. Ten pounds of lead! Seven hundred little pills! That'll let Runner, Hacker, Scott 'n' me strike for the Ohio, where we can catch some of them red devils as they beat back home.

What has a lone woman like me, Father Pat, to do wid sthrangers like them? jist to turn their backs on me when I ain't no furder use, and to be gitting the hights of insolence and abuse, as I did from that blagguard Barry. He'd betther keep his toe in his pump and go asy, or he'll wake to a sore morning yet, some day."

"I guess we'd better be gitting along," said he, "if we want to catch Jedge Fulsom in his office before he goes to dinner." Lydia turned obediently. "I'm coming," she said. Then to Elliot: "No; there is no one to to advise me. I am obliged to decide for myself."

It was gitting quite late, and the moon was just gone down, so, when she stepped on the bridge, and he came out afore her, she gave one shriek, and like to have fainted intirely. "'Make no noise, or I'll ate ye up alive, said Tom, trying to talk like a ghost. "'What isht yees want? she asked, shaking like a leaf, 'and who are yees? "'I'm a shpirit, come to warn ye of your ill-doings.