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And clean I betche he don't keep his bread-dough setting around on the ground for folks to tromp on." Which proves how completely Jakie had subjugated Happy Jack.

Applehead's booming laugh was to Luck as a vague accompaniment to his own thoughts darting here and there among his plans. "Aw, gwan!" Happy Jack was exclaiming in his habitual tone of protest. "Conductor lied to me, is how I come to be over to that place when the train started to pull out. I was buyin' something. I wasn't talking to no Mexican girl. I betche "

Happy Jack wavered. "Well, I betche yuh don't pull down that money," he predicted vaguely. "I betche yuh git throwed, or something. It don't do to be too blame sure uh nothing." Whereat Andy laughed derisively and went away whistling. "I wish I was as sure uh living till I was a thousand years old, and able to ride nine months out of every year of 'em," he called back to Happy.

Betting was growing brisk, and if their faith had not been so shaken they could have got long odds on Andy. "I betche he don't win out," Happy Jack insisted with characteristic gloom. "Yuh wait till he goes up agin that blue roan. They're savin' that roan till the las' day and I betche Andy'll git him. If he hangs on till the las' day." Happy Jack laughed ironically as he made the provision.

"I betche they'll kill somebody before they're through. When sheepmen gits mean " Pink picked up his rope and started for the large corral, where a few saddle horses had been driven in just before supper and had not yet been turned out. "You fellows can stand around and chew the rag, if you want to," he said caustically, "and wait for Weary to make a war-talk.

"Yes sir," he said emphatically aloud, "I betche that's how it is, all right and I betche " The schoolma'am, her cheeks becomingly pink from excitement, fluttered behind the curtain for a last, flurried survey of stage properties and actors. "Isn't Johnny here, yet?" she asked of Annie Pilgreen who had just come and still bore about her a whiff of frosty, night air.

And Coleman's got that sorrel outlaw uh the HS. I betche Andy'll have to pull leather on that one." This was, of course, treason pure and simple; but Happy Jack's prophecies were never taken seriously. Andy simply grinned at him. "Put your money on the Diamond G twister," he advised calmly. "I know him he's a good rider, too. His name's Billy Roberts.

A man can't lay down an' cry, by cripes, jes' because he gets pinked a little " "Aw, that's jest because it ain't you. I betche you'd lay 'em down jest like other folks, if yuh got shot through the lungs. That ain't no joke, lemme tell yuh!" Happy Jack was beginning to show considerable spirit for a wounded man.

"Close enough so you can holler from here to their back door, my boy if they have their say about it," Andy assured him cheerfully. Andy felt that he could afford to be facetious now that he had Chip and Weary on his side. "Aw, gwan! I betche there ain't a word of truth in all that scarey talk," Happy Jack fleered heavily. "Name your bet. I'll take it."

"There's only one that'll be the real star," smiled Andy with unashamed egotism. "Happy, how rich do you want to get off me?" Happy said a good deal and "betche" several things would happen things utterly inconsistent with one another.