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I'm not goin' to the ply with you. Wot d'yer tike me for, eh? ''Oo are yer goin' with, then? 'I'm goin' alone. 'Garn! don't be a bloomin' jackass! Liza was feeling very injured. 'Thet's 'ow you treat me! I shall go 'ome. Why didn't you come aht the other night? 'Yer told me not ter. She snorted at the ridiculous ineptitude of the reply. 'Why didn't you say nothin' abaht it yesterday?

"Oh, I say," whispered Punch, in a half-suffocated tone, "my word! Talk about near as a toucher! It's all right, comrade; but if I had held my breath half a jiffy longer I should have gone off pop. Don't you call this a game? Hide-and-seek and whoop is nothing to it! Garn with you, you thick-headed old frog-soup eaters! Wait till I get my breath. I want to laugh. Can't hear 'em now; can you?"

"My farver's there awaitin' for me." "Garn!" said the man; "you don't kid me so easy." "I ain't arstin' you for anything except the way," said Dickie. "More you ain't," said the man, hesitated, and pulled his hand out of his pocket. "Ain't kiddin'? Sure? Father at Gravesend? Take your Bible?" "Yuss," said Dickie.

The whole party joined in, and it was proposed that they should have races; but in the first heat, when the donkeys broke into a canter, Liza fell off into Tom's arms and the donkeys scampered on without her. 'I know wot I'll do, she said, when the runaway had been recovered. 'I'll ride 'im straddlewyse. 'Garn! said Sally, 'yer can't with petticoats. 'Yus, I can, an' I will too!

And not one of th' old stock to take it when 'e's garn.... Ah! it werr cruel; my old woman's never been hersel' since. Tell 'ee what 'tis don't du t' think to much." I went out of my way to pass the churchyard. There were flowers, quite fresh, chrysanthemums, and asters; above them the white stone, already stained: "PASIANCE "'The Lord hath given, and the Lord hath taken away."

If yer loves 'Im as sends 'em, yer 'll go there. ''Ave yer ever bin? ses I. ''Ave yer ever saw anyone that's bin? 'Ave yer ever saw anyone that's saw anyone that's bin? 'No, 'e ses. 'Don't, me girl, don't! 'Garn, I ses; 'tell me somethin' as 'll do me some good afore I'm dead! 'Eaven's too far off." "The kingdom of 'eaven is at 'and," said Miss Montaubyn. "Bless yer, yes, just 'ere."

There are other traces of the English soldiery here. Little children with outstretched hands flock round, saying in coaxing tones "Garn," or "Git away you," under the impression that they are saying "please." At a street corner we saw a professional beggar, a shattered man of drooping misery, his rags vieing with the colour of the road.

'Garn! rejoined the man, 'she'll git over it; an' p'raps she deserves it, for all you know. John sat undecided, looking now at Polly, now at his wife, and now at the other man. 'Oh, do be quick for God's sike! said Polly. At that moment a sound as of something smashing was heard upstairs, and a woman's shriek. Mrs.

"Garn," said Number 14 unexpectedly. "Think we're as green as to do you in here, and have the police nosing round? Not 'alf! We've ordered the carriage for your lordship to-morrow mornin', but in the meantime we're not taking any chances, see!" "Nothing," said Tommy, "could be plainer than your words unless it was your face." "Stow it," said Number 14. "With pleasure," replied Tommy.

The Normans slept that night haunted by nightmare visitations created by minds pervaded with strong "wind-upity." Stumpy succumbed to a. fit of depression from which nothing could rouse him. "Cheer up," he said. "Can't? Bloomin' water up to yer neck an' they don't issue lifebelts an' I can't swim." "Garn. That's only wot they SEZ." "Gas an' shells an' troops." "Only bloomin' rumours."