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"Jumping grasshoppers!" exclaimed Bob whose expletives were often of his own invention, "I meant to set old Dil at work to-day, clearing a place for a tent. Dad, we must go over to the city to-morrow, and get a tent, and some lanterns and flags. We want to make the place look gay and festive." "Yes, we'll go," said his father, heartily, "and the girls can go with us, if they like."

Barlow expected his own carriage to be awaiting them, but no carriage was in sight. As it was growing dusk, and their home was still two miles distant, this was very annoying. "I'll walk over home, and bring the carriage back for you," volunteered Bob; "it must be that Dil has forgotten to come for us."

'Sonny Sahib! quavered the old woman hoarsely, 'what have I to give you? Dil kushi, I have nothing. 'Heart's delight. 'What from fear you have never given up, nor burnt, nor thrown away, said Sunni, firmly; 'what you said false words to ee-Wobbis about, when you told him it had been stolen from you. My little black book, with my God in it. 'Hazur! I have it not. 'Give it to me, said Sunni.

"Oh, yes, there is no objection whatever. Your wound is doing as well as can be; though, of course, you are still weak from loss of blood. I shall send you up this afternoon to the hospital just established in the park of the Dil Koosha.

BLOOM: Acid. nit. hydrochlor. dil., 20 minims Tinct. nux vom., 5 minims Extr. taraxel. iiq., 30 minims. Aq. dis. ter in die. CHRIS CALLINAN: What is the parallax of the subsolar ecliptic of Aldebaran? BLOOM: Pleased to hear from you, Chris. JOE HYNES: Why aren't you in uniform? BLOOM: When my progenitor of sainted memory wore the uniform of the Austrian despot in a dank prison where was yours?

Sure Oi found him a foine young gintleman, an' it's his friend Oi became. Wid me own hand Oi put a bullet through the head av thot shnale Porrfeeus dil Noort; an' now it's some av Dil Noort's gang that's seekin' to git square by carryin' off Merriwell's girrul. As yer friend, Ben, Oi ax ye to give th' spalpanes th' double-cross an' hilp Frank Merriwell git back th' girrul.

"Me back is broke," was the faint answer. "Oi'm a dead mon." "What happened? How did you fall? Tell me, for, at least, I may be able to avenge you." "It's the dead returned to loife!" gasped the dying man. "Oi saw him up there, me bhoy!" "Who did you see?" "Thot human divvil Porrfeeus dil Noort." "Impossible! Del Norte is dead."

Porrfeeus dil Noort wur th' firrust man Oi ivver saw that made me fale as if bullets wouldn't kill him an' kape him dead. Wur he to roize before me this minute nivver a bit surphrised would Oi be." Although Merry jollied the Irishman, it was no easy matter to relieve O'Toole's nervousness.

There was not a friend to the measure in the House committee when I began, and not a friend in the Senate committee except old Dil himself, but they were all fixed for a majority report when I hauled off my forces.

Nivver a bit did Oi drame th' drunk aslape on th' flure av th' hut an' shnorin' away wur yersilf, Misther Merriwell. Aven whin Oi lay chlose to yez an' ye began to untoie me bonds Oi couldn't suspict it was yersilf. Whin Dil Noort showed up Oi knew it meant throuble, an' sure it wur a relafe to feel in me hand th' pistol ye put there.