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One never knows exactly whether to laugh or cry over them, catching their chatter as they file past the show-windows of the long, showy street. "Look a' that pink silk with the figures on it!" "I've seen them as is betther nor that in the ould counthree. Patsy Malorrn, let alon' hangin' onto the shawl of me!"

"If he were a good man, a noble, honourable man," said Annie, "do you think he would ask you " "He's the praste!" interrupted Annorah, her eyes flashing; "the praste, is Father M'Clane. An' ye mind to spake well o' him, it's nought I've to say; an' the tongue is a heretic's that would spake ill o' him, and he laving the ould counthree to stay for our good in this haythen land.

An' it's me that'll niver forget that same. The beautiful counthree it is!" "Pleasanter than this, do you think?" "A thousand times. There is no place in the world like it; the dear ould counthree!" "Why, then, did you leave it, Annorah?" "Bad luck we had, miss; and a worse luck intirely here, the mane town that this is." "Tell me all about it." "What for?

Suddenly, without any warning, he slid into the maudlin phase, taking his parable of lamentation against "this crule warr." "I weep, sirr," said he, "over the rrupture of mee adhopted counthree the counthree that resaved mee with opin arrums, when I was floying from the feece of toirants," &c., &c.

But who's the felly we're foighten, that's got the Ring?" "Ah, my dear sir, it's the United States," said the lawyer with gravity. "The States! the Government is it? And is't that ye're afeared of? Sure it's the Government that I fought in me own counthree, it was the Government that druv me to Ameriky, and is it now that I'm going back on me principles?"

It's a betther way, darlin', that God has provided for us. It's a brave story that Phelim is waiting to read to us. There's thruth and sense in it, too, ye will find. It's a fine counthree is this, Masther Barry, and a free," added Biddy, turning to a stout man, who, with scarcely a whole article in his apparel, was lounging in the shade of a corner.

When I came to this counthree, I had never a rag to me back, an' now, faith, I'm nothing but rags. A fine, illigant counthree!" "Lave the liquor alone, Peter Barry, and ye may have the best of the land for yerself. An' ye would give up the dhrinking, a better lad could not be found, nor a handsomer." "It's too sthrong for me.

It's me that's ould enough, and willing too, to be to you in place o' yer own father, Heaven rest his sowl; but he's gone to a better counthree than this sinful world. An' yer own good, child, is what I think on in spaking to you of Miss Annie and the heretics generally. It's not for meself, shure, that me prayers go up at the could midnight hour whin ye're all sleeping in quiet.

"Thrue for ye," he replied, "though it's little I get out of it, barrin' the sup o' whisky wi' my supper." "But ye might the more shame it is. Ye are weel-conditioned and hearty. It's no the counthree is to blame, neighbour, nor Katy indade. She works night and day for ye an' the childer. Ye are better here than over the sae." "Oh, then, I don't know.

The dirt was not so bad, for in the ould counthree it ofttimes gets the betther o' us; but the men were either drunk or ill-nathured, and the women quarrelled, and the young ones were aye cross or sick; and a bad time they made of it all." "Did you come directly here?" "No; we stayed where we landed for seven weeks, till we got word to our cousin."