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They've nat'rally got a focus, an' w'en I 'appen to be standin' on a sunny day in front of 'em, contemplatin' the face o' natur', as it wor, through the lantern panes, if I gits into the focus by haccident, d'ye see, it just acts like a burnin'-glass." Ruby could scarcely believe this, but after testing the truth of the statement by actual experiment he could no longer doubt it.

It don't present the attractions which so alloores the heart of a Greaser. Without pausin' to think, an' feelin' shocked over the fate that's ridin' down on the buried chicken, Nell grips her little paws convulsive an' snaps her teeth. It's then her eye catches Dan Boggs, who's contemplatin' details an' awaitin' the finish with vivid interest.

They've nat'rally got a focus, an' w'en I 'appen to be standin' on a sunny day in front of 'em, contemplatin' the face o' natur', as it wor, through the lantern panes, if I gits into the focus by haccident, d'ye see, it just acts like a burnin'-glass." Ruby could scarcely believe this, but after testing the truth of the statement by actual experiment he could no longer doubt it.

She wuz riz up above the blame or praise the belittlin', foolish, personal babblin' of contemporary criticism. Her head wuz lifted towards the stars. But to resoom, and continue on. After we reluctantly left off contemplatin' that statute of Woman, we wended along to the buildin' of Manafactures and Liberal Arts, that colossial structure that dwarfs all the other giants of the Exposition.

"Contemplatin' that ugly anymal below air enough to make me. It a'most druv me out o' my mind to think o' his black ungratefulness. Now, seein' hisself through the sight of a rifle 'ithin good shootin' distance, shurely ye don't intend we shud let him go!" "Certainly not. That would be ruin to ourselves. We must either kill or capture him.

"Miss Ann, I ain't so sho' 'bout the ca'ige, but I reckon if you don't hurry Cupid an' Puck none they's got a lot er go in them yet. I hear tell Miss Milly an' the two young ladies air a' contemplatin' a trip in ter Lou'ville in the mawnin' an' I done hear Marse Bob say he wa' a' gonter spen' the day in Ryeville with some er the kin folks, eatin' at the hotel.

He takes four or five drinks, contemplatin' us meanwhile a heap disdainful. Then he arches his back, bends his elbows, begins a war-song, an' goes dancin' stiff-laig like a Injun, in front of the bar. This is how this extravagant party sings. It's what Colonel Sterett, yere, to whom I repeats it former, calls "blanket verse."

"Burns," I interrupted, "this is no time for reminiscences. I am here seeking some means of escape out of this place of horror. What were you doing down here?" "Sorter contemplatin' a sea v'yage," he said, dryly. "'T was rec'mended by my doctor fer the growth o' my har. So, snoopin' 'round yere in the dark, an' not over fond o' Injun com'any, I found this yere boat.

It wuz cambrick dark chocolate, with a set flower of a kind of a cinnamon brown and yellow, it wuz bran new and looked well. Wall, I had got it on, and wuz contemplatin' its fullness with complacency and a hand-glass, a seein' how nobly it stood out behind, and how full it wuz, when Josiah Allen came in.

Jonathan started eagerly, and colored with self-conscious embarrassment; and after clearing his throat, nervously inquired: "Did you think of contemplatin' matrimony again, Hepsey? though this 'aint leap year." "I, contemplate matrimony? Oh, land of Gideon, no. It's about some one else. Don't get scared. I'm no kidnapper!" "Well, who is it, then?" Jonathan inquired, with a touch of disappointment.