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And then, when everything was going ahead fine, and we were actually doubling the speed in this way, these confounded accidents" he was leaning excitedly forward "and lawsuits and delays and deaths began to happen." Orton sank back as a paroxysm of the bends seized him, following his excitement. "I should like very much to go down into the tunnel," said Kennedy simply.

At the southwest the river enters the pocket, although no cut shows in the horizon, as the stream bends abruptly and the farther range of mountains folds close upon the near one. Bontoc lies compactly built on a sloping piece of ground, roughly about half a mile square.

The beautiful eyes of the young woman fill with tears; she bends her head, and takes the hand of the mulatto, over which she weeps silently for some minutes. Hurricane kisses tenderly the forehead and tresses of Angela, and says gently, "I never wish to recall these cruel memories.

In her diary she writes: "Even Charles Sumner bends to the spirit of compromise and presents a constitutional amendment which concedes the right to disfranchise law-abiding, tax-paying citizens."

The woman's companion, some five or six years her senior, has a face exceptional in the constant change and movement of its great dark eyes as at one moment they withdraw themselves from the street of the Cossack hamlet, to gaze fixedly and gravely towards the steppe where it lies scoured with the scudding breeze, and at another moment fall to scanning the faces of the persons around her, and, at another, frown anxiously, or send a smile flitting across her comely lips as she bends her head, until her features are concealed.

"Nothing," he repeats, disconsolately. "Then I may as well go. You see before you a struggling but worthy young man, born to a better heritage, but cruel fate " "Well, cruel fate," she says, as if prompting him. He turns, and she blushes vividly. He bends lower until the warm cheek, soft as a girl's, touches hers, and the lips meet. Then he draws her arm through his, and takes her parasol.

But rise, it does not become the hero to bend the knee before a woman, before Nefyeseh." "I was your slave when I went, now that I have returned I am your slave still. And thus should he salute his mistress." He bends down. lower and kisses the gold-embroidered slipper that clasps her little foot. "Youssouf!" she cried, in severe tones, "I command you to rise from your knees!"

For it so winds and bends, now passing through fields and demesnes, now skirting towns and villages, that it is just as picturesque as any natural stream. Such being its attractions, Mr. Pickwick was virtually living in the country or in the suburbs, and enjoying the fine, keen, inspiring air which the jaded Londoner from lower districts may, even now, still inhale.

They now pulled the dory into the mouth of the little creek, turning it at the face of the high rock wall, and noticing the thousands of salmon that swam round and round the deep pool just above the entrance of the stream. From this point up the crooked bends to the place where the dead bears lay was perhaps a quarter of a mile. But presently they all met there.

Truly either reason mockes us, or it only aimeth at our contentment, and in fine, bends all her travell to make us live well, and as the holy Scripture saith, "at our ease." All the opinions of the world conclude, that pleasure is our end, howbeit they take divers meanes unto and for it, else would men reject them at their first comming.