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And he always ends up by rollin' his eyes, suckin' in his breath and declarin' passionate: "Some queen, yes-s-s!" But the one who had the floor when I strolls into the bond room just before the end of the noon hour is Skip Martin, who helped win the war by servin' the last two months checkin' supplies for the front at St. Nazaire.

He needs filing down and chinking, and rounding off, and sand-papering before he fits decorously into the chimney-corner. And when there, he sometimes does not "season straight." He was hewed across the grain, or the native grain ran awry, or there is a knot in the wood. "Why were those newel posts oiled before they were set up?" I asked of a carpenter. "T' keep'em from checkin', to be sure."

And I could take you up to her if you was on the list." "What list?" I asks. "Her doctor, her solicitor, her banker," says Tessie, checkin' 'em off on her fingers. "Say," says I, "couldn't I ring in as one of her bankers? Then I could get this off my chest and not have to come again." "I'll put it up to her," says Tessie. "Got a business card on you?" I had, an engraved one.

"They'll call you when the bomb squad gets through checkin' it! When the guys at the garage lifted the hood they started runnin'. Then they hollered copper. There was a bomb in there!" Brink seemed to try to look surprised. He only looked interested. "Two sticks of dynamite," the detective told him grimly, "wired up to go off when your driver turned on the ignition. He did but it didn't.

Say, who do you suppose invented New Year's Eve? They must of had a imagination like a Greek 'bus boy. I'm limp as a rag now, and it's only two-thirty. I've got a regular cramp in my wrist from checkin' quarts. Say, did you hear about Heiny's crowd?" "Well," went on Miss Sweeney's little thin, malicious voice, "he's fell in soft.

"Ain't they?" he queried. "I'd be sorry to believe that; though 'twould be 'elpful, I don't mind tellin' you." "I've known cases that is, if you want to be cured " "I do, an' I don't," he groaned. But it was clear that in the main he did not; for he changed the subject hastily. "See 'ere, would you mind takin' 'old o' the book an' checkin' while I counts out the money.

Sit ye down, man, till I finish this note, and I'll be checkin' ye all right. I'll not be a minute." Lawyer Ed of course could not sit down, but wandered about the room examining the pictures on the wall, a few photographs of popes and cardinals. "Sure this is a terrible place for a heretic like me to be in, Father," he exclaimed. "Oi'm getting clane narvous.

There was a gray-haired little feller standin' behind the desk, and awful busy with people comin' and goin', and we stood there tryin' to get in a word; but just as one of us would say, "What time " a man would step up and say: "I'm checkin' out," or "Let me have 201 again," or somethin' like that. Finally nobody was there and Mitch got it out, "When does the steamboat go to St. Louis?"

It's all ben left to me: chargin' an' creditin', postin', individule ledger, gen'ral ledger, bill-book, discount register, tickler, for'n register, checkin' off the N'York accounts, drawin' off statemunts f'm the ledgers an' bill-book, writin' letters why, the' ain't an hour 'n the day in bus'nis hours some days that the's an hour 't I ain't busy 'bout somethin'. No, sir," continued Chet, "Dave don't give himself no trouble about the bus'nis.

"Your tickets and drawing-room reservation. It's a nice little place up in Vermont quiet, refined, comfortable, all that sort of thing. Train at 10:45." "Oh!" says I. "Then that's all right. Lemme see, where's that other sock?" Say, I'd even forgot who all I'd asked to be on hand. That was what I was checkin' up when I rode past Auntie's floor on the elevator.