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"Don't natur herself kinder cry out on 'em?" said Aunt Chloe. "Don't dey tear der suckin' baby right off his mother's breast, and sell him, and der little children as is crying and holding on by her clothes, don't dey pull 'em off and sells 'em?

You remember the young pup who used to look on soldiering as a favour done to his ungrateful country the gun-poking, ferret-pettin', landed gentleman's offspring the suckin' Facey Romford? Well, he generally joins a Foreign Service Corps when he leaves college." "Can Volunteers go foreign, then?" "Can't they just, if their C.O. or his wife has influence!

Leeberty, the bonnie lassie, wi' a sealgh's fud to her! I'll no sign it. I dinna consort wi' shoplifters, an' idiots, an' suckin' bairns wi' long nose, an' short nose, an' pug nose, an' seventeen Deuks o' Wellington, let alone a baker's dizen o' Queens. It's no company, that, for a puir auld patriot!" "Why, my dear Mackaye," said I, "you know the Reform Bill petitions were just as bad."

""Which them talents of yours for change," says Witherspoon, "reminds me a powerful lot of the story of how Jedge Chinn gives Bill Hatfield, the blacksmith, that Berkshire suckin' pig. "An' whatever is that story?" asks my grandfather, beginnin' to loosen his bowie-knife in its sheath.

Oh, he's cute, Benny is; but the bashfullest forty-four fat that ever carried a cane, a reg'lar Mr. Shy Ann kind of a duck. He has a lisp when he talks too, and that makes him seem cuter'n ever. About twice a week he drifts up to the brass gate and says to me, "Thay, thonny, whereth Bob?" Makes my mouth pucker up like I'd been suckin' a lemon, just to hear him.

"It might do for a nigger, suckin' sugar candy and drinkin' mint-julep; but it won't do for a free and enlightened citizen like me. A country house oh goody gracious! the Lord presarve me from it, I say. If ever any soul ever catches me there agin, I'll give 'em leave to tell me of it, that's all. Oh go, Squire, by all means; you will find it monstrous pleasant, I know you will.

This ain’t business. I was a damn fool and I’m doin’ time like any souse what the bulls pinch. Only I get more than thirty days, I do. That’s what’s killin’ me, Doc! Duck Werner in a tin lid, suckin’ soup an’ shootin’ Fritzies when I oughter be in Noo York with me fren’s lookin’ after business. Can you beat it?" he ended fiercely.

The ghastly treble chimed in: "That's what I says to im last night when e come his rounds. 'We're only poor chaps, my lord, says I. 'We've lost alf the number of our mess in your service. And now I'd make bold to ask how long you're goin to keep us here? "'Why, says he, suckin his hanky, 'that depends on your sweet selves. You may go as soon as you've took the cottage.

Can I not tell whin I'm passed over at p'rade, tho' I'm rockin' full av liquor an' ready to fall all in wan piece, such as even a suckin' child might see, bekaze, 'Oh, 'tis only ould Mulvaney! An' whin I'm let off in ord'ly-room through some thrick of the tongue an' a ready answer an' the ould man's mercy, is ut smilin' I feel whin I fall away an' go back to Dinah Shadd, thryin' to carry ut all off as a joke?

You guess you got me squealin' around like a suckin' kid. You! An' I took you out o' jail, wher' they was goin' to set you swingin'. Gee! I could tell you a heap, but I ain't no time talkin' to bastards of your kidney. Swingin's too good fer sech as you. Anyway, when I got work to do I do it myself. Here, you, Ned, an' you, Sully, stand aside!" She saw the two men withdraw.