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I checked my steps also, and I checked my speech too. The anxiety in the voice was reflected now in the face. I was smiling slightly, and through my mind flitted a fragment of doggerel: 'Oh, there's nothing so flirtatious As the bowld soldier boy! Suddenly the brown eyes came back to my face, open and clear as day. 'I owe it to myself, he said, with sudden dignity, 'to explain.

They were quite uneasy, and to prevent their trail revealing them they dropped a few hundred yards down the shore, where they awaited the coming of darkness. "Worrah! worrah!" said Tim with an immense sigh, "this is a bad day when we came to leave the youngster with the rid gintleman. A fine youngster was the same bowld and presumin'. It's a qua'ar failin', Masther Howard, that comes to me."

Oh, 'tis then that ladies fair In despair Tear their hair, But 'the divil-a-one I care, Says the bowld sojer boy. For the world is all before us, Where the landladies adore us, And ne'er refuse to score us, But chalk us up with joy; We taste her tap, We tear her cap' 'Oh, that's the chap For me! Says she; 'Oh, isn't he a darling, the bowld sojer boy.

Obsarving the same, I made bowld to remark that it would give me frind Jiff the highest plisure to do it for him, not forgetting to obsarve that I knew his company would be agreeable to the byes, and he will be of great hilp to the same." "Well, I'm blessed!" exclaimed the old miner, removing his hat and mopping his forehead with his big red handkerchief.

"And he has a cure, ye say?" "The only one I ever heard of; it is a little cordial of which you take, I don't know how much, every ten or fifteen minutes." "And the naygur doesn't let the saycret out, bad manners to him?" "No, ma'am; he has refused every offer on the subject. "May I be so bowld as to ax his name again?" "Stewart Moore, ma'am.

There was also offered to them a beverage named ava, which is intoxicating in its nature, and very disgusting in its preparation. This, however, Bukawanga advised them not to touch. "Now, Mr Bukkie Whangy," said Larry, after having appeased his appetite, "if I may make so bowld as to ax how came ye here?" "The story is short enough and sad enough," replied his new friend.

"Take care, my fine fellow, that you don't be laughing at the wrong side of your mouth before long, for I've a notion that you're cursedly in the wrong box, as cunning a fellow as you think yourself. D n your stupid head, can't you tell what brings you here?" "Why, thin, by gor, one id think the whole say belonged to you, you're so mighty bowld in axin' questions an it.

Sure, if a gintleman was married, his wife wouldn't be tuk off from him the way mine was." "Not so soon, maybe," said the mother, drily. "And if a gintleman brakes a horse's heart, he's only a 'bowld rider, while a poor sarvant is a 'careless blackguard' for only taking a sweat out of him.

"What!" exclaimed the mother. "It's not marri'd again you are? You're jokin' sure." "Faix, it's no joke," said Andy, sadly, "I'm marri'd sure enough; so give us your blessin', anyhow," cried he, still kneeling. "And who did you dar' for to marry, sir, if I make so bowld to ax, without my lave or license?"

I know that, says I, bekase I like to keep a good bowld offin', says I, in contrairy places. Spoke like a good sayman, says he. That's my principles, says I. They're the right sort, says he. I know, says I, you mane beside the three-spike headlan'. That's the spot, says he, I see you know it. As well as I know my father, says I."