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There all the women and most of the men took the part of the boy that loved his dog. "What be you a-shovin' at?" bawled a huge country-man, against whom Gunn made a cannon as he rushed in pursuit. "Aw'll knock 'ee flat aw wull! Let little un an's dawg aloan! Aw be for un! Hit me an'ye choose aw doan't objec'!"

"I'll get her to-day," Shorty announced next morning. "You wash the dishes, Smoke. I'll be back in a jiffy, if I don't bust myself a-shovin' dust at her. Gimme a man to deal with every time. These blamed women it's something sad the way they can hold out on a buyer. The only way to get 'em is sellin'. Why, you'd think them eggs of hern was solid nuggets."

You'd need a thousand to raise the Barang a foot. And how will you fasten them? Can't get lines under the keel." "Beg pardon, sir, fer a-shovin' in me oar," returned Bill, with a grotesque tug at his forelock. "I seen som'at o' the sort done once, though, an' if so be as you ses so, I'll do me best, sir." "Oh, go ahead, Blunt. Go right ahead.

'Here, you, cried a shrill female voice, as a woman dressed in a flaunting blue gown rushed up to the stall, 'give us a pie quick; I'm starvin'; I've got no time to wait. 'No, nor manners either, said Spilsby, with a remonstrating bleat, pushing a pie towards her; 'who are you, a-shovin' your betters, Portwine Annie?

Picters and magazines! Gawd 'elp the man as hain't nothin' but picters and magazines to 'elp un w'en 'ee's got a devil hinside and a devil houtside a-shovin' and a-drawin' of un down to 'ell. And that's w'ere oi'm a-goin' straight, and yer bloomin' League, wisky or no wisky, can't help me.

All seemed wild with one idea: To get as far as possible from the terrors raging around the mountain top. They rushed through the regiment and disordered its ranks. "Who are you a-shovin', young fellow say?" demanded Abe Bolton, roughly collaring a strapping hulk of a youth, who, hatless, and with his fat cheeks white with fear came plunging against him like a frightened steer.

While they was explorin' round in there, movin' round kind o' cautious, the door of the cap'n's stateroom swung open with a creak, just's though somebody was a-shovin' it slow like, and the ship give a kind of a stir and a rustlin', moanin' sound, as if she was a-comin' to life. The old man never made no secret but what he was scairt when he went through her that night.

As there was no one forthcoming to claim the honor of the lead, Tammas came forward with cunning counsel. "Tell yo' what, lads, we'd best let 'em as don't know nowt at all aboot him go first. And onst they're on, mind, we winna let 'em off; but keep a-shovin' and a-bovin 'on 'em forra'd. Then us'll foller."

"I didn't know it was yeh a-shovin'. I seen yeh lick the Terrible Swede, if yeh WAS robbed on the decision." "No, you didn't, Bo," Billy answered pleasantly. "You saw me take a good beatin' that night. The decision was all right." The Irishman was now beaming. He had endeavored to pay a compliment with a lie, and the prompt repudiation of the lie served only to increase his hero-worship.