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Picters and magazines! Gawd 'elp the man as hain't nothin' but picters and magazines to 'elp un w'en 'ee's got a devil hinside and a devil houtside a-shovin' and a-drawin' of un down to 'ell. And that's w'ere oi'm a-goin' straight, and yer bloomin' League, wisky or no wisky, can't help me.

"A young woman, Miss. From the country, I tyke it." "She didn't give you a card?" "No, Miss. She came with the person Mr. Whitford took on to 'elp with the work houtside." "Oh! Show them both up. And have tea sent in, Jenkins." Kitty's shy eyes lifted apprehensively to those of this slim young patrician so beautifully and simply gowned. Instantly her fears fled.

"Well, if you come to that, sir, they was that touch-woody that if it hadn't been for the thick paint I put on 'em every spring, till they had quite a houtside skin o' white lead, they wouldn't ha' held together. Stop, that arn't all: the tool-house door's blowed right off. Natur's very well in some things, but I never could see what was the good o' so much wind blustering and rampaging about.

'For Marie, then I say: 'I go to marry him, bimeby. But she say: 'Keep it and give it to Marie yourself some day. "She smile at me, then she have a little tear in her eye, and she nod to where Bargon stare' houtside, and she say: 'If this summer go wrong, it will kill him. He work and work and fret and worry for me and Marie, and sometimes he just sit and look at me and say not a word.

D'yeh see? 'Can yeh make that Bradford call houtside of Bradford? sez father. 'Well, sez the doctor, an' 'e seemed quite puzzled, 'e did, 'I suppose yeh can. Any kind of a bang'll do along the line. Now ther's Benny's toes, w'en they git 'urt they sounds up to the brain, "Toes! Toes!

'For Marie, then I say: 'I go to marry him, bimeby. But she say: 'Keep it and give it to Marie yourself some day. "She smile at me, then she have a little tear in her eye, and she nod to where Bargon stare' houtside, and she say: 'If this summer go wrong, it will kill him. He work and work and fret and worry for me and Marie, and sometimes he just sit and look at me and say not a word.

W'en it's thoroughly wet on the houtside, turn it hinside hout, an' there you are, to all appearance as dry as bone. What! you won't have it at no price? Well, now, I'll tempt you. I'll make it two bob." "Say one," cried a baker, who had been listening to this, with a broad grin on his floury countenance.

They wavered and fell back, grumbling discontentedly; and Maitland, his anxiety temporarily distracted by the noise they made, looked round to find his erstwhile cabby at his elbow. Of whom the sight was inspiration. Ever thoughtful, never unmindful of her whose influence held him in this coil, he laid an arresting hand on the man's sleeve. "You've got your cab ?" "Yessir, right houtside."