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Updated: November 17, 2024
She drew vivid pictures of the magnificent scenery that lay around her in her new home the gardens, the orange-groves, the figs and olives, the terraced slope of Mount Lebanon, the glorious Mediterranean. Mrs. Tascher was comforted, though the void made by Ruth's absence was almost like death, the wide space seemed so unspannable.
As she had answered her husband's previous appeal by her flight to the woman he disliked, so she answered this one by riding the horse he feared.... Justine's last illusions crumbled. The distance between two such natures was unspannable. Amherst had done well to remain away...and with a tidal rush her sympathies swept back to his side.... The governess came to claim Cicely.
Amherst, as became his sex, went first; but after a few absent-minded plunges into the sedgy depths between the islets, he was ordered to relinquish his command and fall to the rear, where he might perform the humbler service of occasionally lifting Cicely over unspannable gulfs of moisture.
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