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"Martin did not fire, uncle that is what I want to prove, and save him, if I can, from transportation. He has a wife and child." "Wife and child!" repeated the old man thoughtfully. "You did not tell me he had a wife and child; that poor woman came from Uffeulme." "Providence must have guided her," said the younger Gray. "It was indeed Harvey's wife and son whom you so lately relieved."

The promise was made; and the boy knelt long by her bedside, listening to the words of love and consolation which, with her latest breath, she uttered for the sake of him who, she hoped, would hear them again from his child's lips. Nearly forty years have passed since they laid her among the graves of the humble villagers of Uffeulme.

"I shall be off at break of day to-morrow, on neighbor Collins's pony, and shall give him no rest until he sets me down at Uffeulme." Accordingly, early next morning, Alfred Gray was riding briskly along through the pleasant green lanes which led toward his native village.

"Never but once, sir, when I was a child, many years ago." "What part of the country do you come from?" "Uffeulme." "Uffeulme? How did you get here?" "We have walked." "You don't say that you have trudged all the way with that youngster?"