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And amazement and perplexity settled upon his face. "The Princess Woo is neither crazed nor doth she sport with the master," said the girl. "I do but speak the truth. Great is Tai-tsung. Whom he will he slayeth, and whom he will he keepeth alive." And then she told the astonished priest that the bannerman of the Dragon Gate was not her father at all.

And in the year 635, when our story opens, the name of Tai-tsung was great and powerful throughout the length and breadth of Chung Kwoh the "Middle Kingdom," as the Chinese for nearly thirty centuries have called their vast country while the stories of his fame and power had reached to the western courts of India and of Persia, of Constantinople, and even of distant Rome.

Then a portly figure, clad in yellow robes, strode down to the targets, while all within the archery lists prostrated themselves in homage before one of China's greatest monarchs the Emperor Tai-tsung, Wun-woo-ti. "The Sovereign Divine" an imperial title. "Our Exalted Ancestor the Literary-Martial Emperor."

And a great emperor was Tai-tsung, though few, if any, of my young readers ever heard his name. His splendid palace stood in the midst of lovely gardens in the great city of Chang-an, that old, old city that for over two thousand years was the capital of China, and which you can now find in your geographies under its modern name of Singan-foo.