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That grassy and leafy paradise at Ballarat was soon ripped open, and lacerated and scarified and gutted, in the feverish search for its hidden riches. There is nothing like surface-mining to snatch the graces and beauties and benignities out of a paradise, and make an odious and repulsive spectacle of it. What fortunes were made!

He had poor luck, and he dusted a month ago." Ben and his companion exchanged glances of disappointment. "Where did he go?" asked Bradley, who was evidently getting discouraged. "He was going to the mountains," he said. "He had been studying up something about minerals, and he had an idea that he'd find a rich ledge among the Sierras that would pay better than this surface-mining."

That grassy and leafy paradise at Ballarat was soon ripped open, and lacerated and scarified and gutted, in the feverish search for its hidden riches. There is nothing like surface-mining to snatch the graces and beauties and benignities out of a paradise, and make an odious and repulsive spectacle of it. What fortunes were made!

And in its worst form, too; for it was not a tax upon what the miner had taken out, but upon what he was going to take out if he could find it. It was a license-tax license to work his claim and it had to be paid before he could begin digging. Consider the situation. No business is so uncertain as surface-mining. Your claim may be good, and it may be worthless.

And in its worst form, too; for it was not a tax upon what the miner had taken out, but upon what he was going to take out if he could find it. It was a license tax license to work his claim and it had to be paid before he could begin digging. Consider the situation. No business is so uncertain as surface-mining. Your claim may be good, and it may be worthless.