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Updated: August 27, 2024
"Fatty Peter," as they jokingly called him, epitomized in two words their contempt of him. Nor did things mend when he went to Harvard. Neither his mother's abilities nor his choice were able to secure for him an entrée to the society which Cambridge and Boston dole out stintedly to certain privileged collegians. Every Friday afternoon he went home, to return by an early train Monday morning.
He was content to lie hard, and live stintedly he had spent the greater part of his remaining money in buying another poniard: his hunger and his thirst were after nothing exquisite but an exquisite vengeance.
Sable night, which, since the beginning of the world, has winked and looked on at so many deeds of iniquity night is the time usually selected for their operations by man-of-war gamblers. The place pitched upon is generally the berth-deck, where the hammocks are swung, and which is lighted so stintedly as not to disturb the sleeping seamen with any obtruding glare.
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