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Can you tell where I can buy seed of varieties of California six-rowed barley, described as "pallidum" and "coerulescens," and what the seed will cost? No one knows where the six-rowed barley, known as "common" barley in this State, came from, nor when it came.

The axillary flower is protected on the opposite side by a two-keeled inner palet. Each flower exhibits three stamens and an ovary. In the six-rowed barley all the three flowers of a triple spikelet are fertile, and each of them has a long awn on the top of the outer palet.

The plants will notwithstanding this produce in August a very abundant crop of grain. Hence this is a valuable mode of culture for the farmer. The other varieties of Barley are, HORDEUM hexastichon. SIX-ROWED BARLEY. This is also a coarse grain; and although it was once in cultivation here, it has been altogether superseded by the Bere, which is a better kind. HORDEUM zeocriton.

We walked back home through waving grass and corn; there was a whispering in the winter rye and the stout six-rowed barley. Nils, who had not forgotten his schooling, called to mind that beautiful line of Bjornson's: "Beginning like a whisper in the corn one summer day." "Time to get the horses out again," said Nils, stepping out a little.

In Europe brewing barleys are chiefly two-rowed. Under California conditions the plant is able to develop just as good brewing grains on a six-rowed basis, and this seems to be a commendable trait in the way of multiplying the product. The names "pallidum" and "coerulescens" indicate two of these varieties recognized by Eastern students.