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Or again whatever may be the meaning of Senlac, the name of that field where the ever-memorable battle, now better known as the Battle of Hastings, was fought, it certainly was not 'Sanglac, or Lake of Blood; the word only shaping itself into this significant form subsequently to the battle, and in consequence of it.

"A Saxon peasant," said De Graville, "told me that the ground was called Senlac or Sanglac, or some such name, in their musicless jargon." "Grammercy!" quoth Grantmesnil, "methinks the name will be familiar eno' hereafter; no jargon seemeth the sound to my ear a significant name and ominous, Sanglac, Sanguelac the Lake of Blood."

"A Saxon peasant," said De Graville, "told me that the ground was called Senlac or Sanglac, or some such name, in their musicless jargon." "Grammercy!" quoth Grantmesnil, "methinks the name will be familiar eno' hereafter; no jargon seemeth the sound to my ear a significant name and ominous, Sanglac, Sanguelac the Lake of Blood."

Senlac, or Sanglac, was its old name, and sounded but too appropriate to the French ears of the Conqueror, as, in a moment of sorrow for the fearful loss of life he beheld, he vowed that here should stand an Abbey where prayer should be made for pardon for his sins and for the repose of the souls of the slaughtered.