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Early in August Cadorna had completed his transfer of guns and troops from the Trentino front, and on the 4th he feinted an attack across the Isonzo at Monfalcone. On the 6th a heavy bombardment battered the whole front from Mount Sabatino to Mount San Michele; both the key-positions were taken by assault in a battle which lasted two days, and on the 9th Gorizia fell.

Gorizia, with its circle of outlying forts, proved itself practically unavailable from either the north or west, for two fortified heights, Monte Sabatino, on the right bank, and Monte Gabrielle on the left bank, of the Isonzo River, stood sentry over the town on the north, while the plateau of Podgora, which is a perfect labyrinth of deep, intercommunicating trenches, barred the approach to the town from the west.

We have this saying: 'He who squanders gold with his hands will search for it with his feet. But Sabatino is coming! She has been as nimble as a cat." The good man's invaluable mimetic art, his proverbs, the story of the fete of St.

The Austrians still held nearly the whole of the east bank of the river and Oslavia and Podgora on the west bank in front of Gorizia. Gorizia itself was protected by two mountain strongholds, Sabatino to the north and San Michele to the south.

We have this saying: 'He who squanders gold with his hands will search for it with his feet. But Sabatino is coming! She has been as nimble as a cat." The good man's invaluable mimetic art, his proverbs, the story of the fete of St.

We have this saying: 'He who squanders gold with his hands will search for it with his feet. But Sabatino is coming! She has been as nimble as a cat." The good man's invaluable mimetic art, his proverbs, the story of the fete of St.