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Updated: August 27, 2024
But I forgive him. If he stole a Rochelaise, we have avenged it deep: we have stolen the flower of Lorraine." "Paul Lucas Paul de Lorraine," she went on eagerly, "was put into M. le Duc's house to kill him. He went all the more willingly that he believed M. de Mar to be my favoured suitor. He tried to draw M. de Mar into the scheme, to ruin him. He failed. And the whole plot came to naught."
"Mille tonnerres du ciel! But he is a Huguenot, a Rochelais!" "Yes, but he is a son of Henri le Balafré. His mother was Rochelaise, I think. He was a spy for Navarre and captured at Ivry. They were going to hang him when Mayenne, worse luck, recognized him for a nephew. Since then he has been spying for them. Because Mayenne promised him Mlle. de Montluc in marriage."
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