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The author treated a case where fracture of one sesamoid was occasioned by a horse receiving a puncture wound wherein the sharp end of a steel bar was protruding from the ground where it was firmly embedded. The subject in this case was injured while being driven along a country road. Frost reports simultaneous fracture of all of the proximal sesamoids occurring in a sixteen-year-old pony.

And it was this combined point of view of anatomist and chemist, this union of hitherto dissociated forces, that made possible the inroads into the unexplored fields of physiology that were effected towards the middle of the nineteenth century. One of the first subjects reinvestigated and brought to proximal solution was the long-mooted question of the digestion of foods.

Proximal ligation in the case of high aneurysms, or distal ligation in those situated at the root of the neck, is more certain. Extirpation of the sac is probably the best method of treatment, especially in those of traumatic origin. These operations are attended with considerable risk of hemiplegia from interference with the blood supply of the brain.

McTeague had been making fillings when this letter arrived. He was in his "Parlors," pottering over his movable rack underneath the bird cage in the bay window. He was making "blocks" to be used in large proximal cavities and "cylinders" for commencing fillings. He heard the postman's step in the hall and saw the envelopes begin to shuttle themselves through the slit of his letter-drop.