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He was clad in a wonderful gold and white robe that swept the ground, priest-like, but not that of any Christian, and his hair was bound with a golden fillet with which oak leaves were twisted, and in his ears were large earrings.

Again he struck his priest-like attitude and invoked me to follow. "The fire upon the altar waits," he repeated, solemnly. Suddenly he broke into a shrill laugh and ran like a deer in the direction of the forest that stretched up the slopes of the mountain. The mate's face, thrust over the rail as I drew alongside the schooner, plainly bespoke his utter bewilderment.

"May I believe you?" said I. "Are you quite sure you have not been imitating the policy of the abbe Terray?" Upon which I related the behaviour of the comptroller-general. "Priest-like," answered the prince. "And is it not courtier-like also?" inquired I.

The priest-like father is drawn from life, and the picture is beautiful; not less deftly drawn is the mother's portrait, though it be not so frequently quoted: 'The mother, wi' a woman's wiles, can spy What makes the youth so bashfu' and so grave; Weel pleased to think her bairn's respected like the lave. The last line gives one of the most natural and most subtle touches in the whole poem.