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The influence of Assyria was ephemeral. It represented the meteor-like rise of a great military power, which crushed all opposition, and introduced among mankind the new idea of a centralised world-empire. It destroyed the northern kingdom of Samaria, and made Palestine once more what it had been in pre-Mosaic days, the battle-ground between the nations of the Nile and the Tigris.

The fact that with their essential unity they differ from each other and differ from our Scriptural record, seems to rather strengthen the theory that all our own included have been handed down from the pre-Mosaic times ours being divinely edited by an inspired and infallible author. Their differences are such as might have been expected from separate transmissions, independently made.

As for the pre-Mosaic ages the translation of Enoch, and for the earlier Mosaic epoch the mysterious death of Moses, so for the prophetic period the carrying to heaven of Elijah, witnessed of a life beyond death, and of death as the wages of sin, which God could remit, if He willed, in the case of faithful service.