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Updated: September 26, 2024
Touton was a Huguenot, Burchsted a German from Silesia, Lunerus a German or a Pole; "Pighogg Churrergeon," I hope, for the honor of the profession, was only Peacock disguised under this alias, which would not, I fear, prove very attractive to patients. What doctrines and practice were these colonists likely to bring, with them?
One surgeon was a butcher sadly similar callings in those days. This butcher-surgeon was not Mr. Pighogg, the Plymouth "churregein," whose unpleasant name was, I trust, only the cacographical rendering of the good old English name Peacock.
Touton was a Huguenot, Burchsted a German from Silesia, Lunerus a German or a Pole; "Pighogg Churrergeon," I hope, for the honor of the profession, was only Peacock disguised under this alias, which would not, I fear, prove very attractive to patients. What doctrines and practice were these colonists likely to bring, with them?
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