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Pediculi of domestic animals and man. Pedigree of man. Pedionomus torquatus, sexes of. Peel, J., on horned sheep. Peewit, wing-tubercles of the male. Pelagic animals, transparency of. Pelecanus erythrorhynchus, horny crest on the beak of the male, during the breeding season. Pelecanus onocrotalus, spring plumage of. Pelele, an African ornament.

It is a question, indeed, whether the pelican, which is always represented in mediaeval paintings and sculptures with a short bill, instead of the enormous bill and pouch which is the especial mark of the "Onocrotalus" of the ancients, now miscalled pelican, be not actually the eider-duck itself, confounded with the true pelecanus, which was the mediaeval, and is still the scientific, name of the cormorant.

Sclater, P.L., on modified secondary wing-feathers in the males of Pipra; on elongated feathers in nightjars; on the species of Chasmorhynchus; on the plumage of Pelecanus onocrotalus; on the plantain-eaters; on the sexes and young of Tadorna variegata; on the colours of Lemur macaco; on the stripes in asses. Scolecida, absence of secondary sexual characters in.

Changes of colour thus caused may last for a longer or shorter time. In the Pelecanus onocrotalus a beautiful rosy tint, with lemon-coloured marks on the breast, overspreads the whole plumage in the spring; but these tints, as Mr. Sclater states, "do not last long, disappearing generally in about six weeks or two months after they have been attained."