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Only don't mention the names of any diseases in English or Latin before me next time. I dreamed about cutis oenea half the night after I came to see you. Dr. Benjamin took my apology very pleasantly. He did not want to be touchy about it, he said, but he had his way to make in the world, and found it a little hard at first, as most young men did.

And the sixth was a man of Ætolia, with bay horses, and the seventh a man of Magnesia in Thessaly, and the eighth was a man of Oenea, whose horses were white, and the ninth from Athens, a city which, they say, was builded of Gods, and a Boeotian was the tenth. First the heralds shook lots for each in a helmet, and each man had his place according as his lot came forth.

But here the steeds of the man of Oenea, being very hard to hold, brake from their course, and drave against the side of one of the chariots from Barca. And now they had ended six courses, and were about to begin the seventh.

He only strapped up my cut, and informed me that it would speedily get well by the "first intention," an odd phrase enough, but sounding much less formidable than cutis oenea. I am afraid I have had something of the French prejudice which embodies itself in the maxim "young surgeon, old physician."

Only don't mention the names of any diseases in English or Latin before me next time. I dreamed about cutis oenea half the night after I came to see you. Dr. Benjamin took my apology very pleasantly. He did not want to be touchy about it, he said, but he had his way to make in the world, and found it a little hard at first, as most young men did.

He only strapped up my cut, and informed me that it would speedily get well by the "first intention," an odd phrase enough, but sounding much less formidable than cutis oenea. I am afraid I have had something of the French prejudice which embodies itself in the maxim "young surgeon, old physician."