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For the neglecte of w^ch duty he shalbe subject to the censure of the Governr and Counsell of Estate. Provided always that the first yeare of every newe man this lawe shall not be of force....

It is Ordered, sentenced and decreed, that euery Generall Courte, except such as through neglecte of the Gou'rnor and the greatest p'rte of Magestrats the Freemen themselves doe call, shall consist of the Gouernor, or some one chosen to moderate the Court, and 4 other Magestrats at lest, w'th the mayor p'rte of the deputyes of the geuerall Townes legally chosen; and in case the Freemen or mayor p'rte of them, through neglect or refusall of the Gouernor and mayor p'rte of the magestrats, shall call a Courte, y't shall consist of the mayor p'rte of Freemen that are p'rsent or their deputyes, w'th a Moderator chosen by the: In w'ch said Generall Courts shall consist the supreme power of the Comonwelth, and they only shall haue power to make laws or repeale the:, to graunt leuyes, to admitt of Freemen, dispose of lands vndisposed of, to seuerall Townes or p'rsons, and also shall haue power to call ether Courte or Magestrate or any other p'rson whatsoeuer into question for any misdemeanour, and may for just causes displace or deale otherwise according to the nature of the offence; and also may deale in any other matter that concerns the good of this comonwelth, excepte election of Magestrats, w'ch shall be done by the whole boddy of Freemen.

But if a servant in this case shall wilfully neglecte his M^r's he shall suffer bodily punishmente. No maide or woman servant, either now resident in the Colonie or hereafter to come, shall contract herselfe in marriage w^thout either the consente of her parents, or of her M^r or M^ris, or of the magistrat and minister of the place both together.