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At last Matsou-San and Donata-San make their appearance from the tranquil depths of their bonze-house. They are dressed in black crape and their heads are shaved.

At last Matsou-San and Donata-San make their appearance from the tranquil depths of their bonze-house. They are dressed in black crape and their heads are shaved.

We pass beneath him and enter the first vast and lofty hall, dimly lighted, in the corners of which gleam gilded idols, bells, and incomprehensible objects of religious use. Quaint little creatures, choir-boys or pupils, come forward with a doubtful welcome to ask what is wanted. "Matsou-San!! Dondta-San!!" they repeat, much astonished, when they understand to whom we wish to be conducted.

At last Matsou-San and Donata-San make their appearance from the tranquil depths of their bonze-house. They are dressed in black crape and their heads are shaved.

We pass beneath him and enter the first immense and lofty hall, dimly lighted, in the corners of which gleam gilded idols, bells and incomprehensible objects of religious use. Quaint little creatures, choir boys or pupils, come forward with a doubtful welcome to ask what is wanted. "Matsou-San!! Donata-San!!" they repeat, much astonished, when they understand to whom we wish to be conducted.

At last Matsou-San and Donata-San make their appearance from the tranquil depths of their bonze-house. They are dressed in black crape and their heads are shaved.

We pass beneath him and enter the first vast and lofty hall, dimly lighted, in the corners of which gleam gilded idols, bells, and incomprehensible objects of religious use. Quaint little creatures, choir-boys or pupils, come forward with a doubtful welcome to ask what is wanted. "Matsou-San!! Dondta-San!!" they repeat, much astonished, when they understand to whom we wish to be conducted.

We pass beneath him and enter the first vast and lofty hall, dimly lighted, in the corners of which gleam gilded idols, bells, and incomprehensible objects of religious use. Quaint little creatures, choir-boys or pupils, come forward with a doubtful welcome to ask what is wanted. "Matsou-San!! Donata-San!!" they repeat, much astonished, when they understand to whom we wish to be conducted.