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He was a man be th' name of Murphy, an' he was blue with rage f'r havin' to lead th' Orangeys. 'Ma-arch on, Brass Money, says th' Orange marshal. Murphy pulled him fr'm his horse; an' they wint at it, club an' club. Be that time th' whole iv th' line was ingaged.

The bayonets curved in the air, and glittered sharply; then fell and stretched out to confront the banner. "Ma-arch!" "They're coming!" said the lame man, and thrusting his hands into his pockets made a long step to one side. The mother, without blinking, looked on. The gray line of soldiers tossed to and fro, and spread out over the entire width of the street.

The young officer continued without looking at him. "Forward in two files open order. Ma-arch!" The little troop moved forward, passed Major Overstone at the head of the gully, and spread out on the hillside. The assembled camp, still armed, lounging out of ambush here and there, ironically made way for them to pass.

Hennessy, wearing a silver-painted stovepipe hat and a silver cape and carrying a torch, came in, looking much the worse for wear. The hat was dented, the cape was torn, and there were marks on Mr. Hennessy's face. "Where ye been?" asked Mr. Dooley. "Ma-archin," said Mr. Hennessy. "Be th' looks iv ye, ye might have been th' line iv ma-arch f'r th' p'rade. Who's been doin' things to ye?"