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Ye're a gentleman, sir, and should ken a horse's points; ye see that through-ganging thing that Balmawhapple's on; I selled her till him. She was bred out of Lick-the-Ladle, that wan the king's plate at Caverton-Edge, by Duke Hamilton's White-foot, &c. &c. &c.

Ye're a gentleman, sir, and should ken a horse's points; ye see that through ganging thing that Balmawhapple's on; I selled her till him. She was bred out of Lick-the-ladle, that wan the king's plate at Caverton-Edge, by Duke Hamilton's White-Foot, etc., etc., etc.

Dod, set a beggar on horseback and he will ride over his own father, and your father was no lick-the-ladle like you, but a Liberal who stood up for his rights. The bitterness and force with which the stranger spoke cowed his hearers. 'These insults are too much, stammered the Bailie. The stranger at once turned upon him.

Ye're a gentleman, sir, and should ken a horse's points; ye see that through ganging thing that Balmawhapple's on; I selled her till him. She was bred out of Lick-the-ladle, that wan the king's plate at Caverton-Edge, by Duke Hamilton's White-Foot, etc., etc., etc.

Ye're a gentleman, sir, and should ken a horse's points; ye see that through ganging thing that Balmawhapple's on; I selled her till him. She was bred out of Lick-the-ladle, that wan the king's plate at Caverton-Edge, by Duke Hamilton's White-Foot, etc., etc., etc.