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It was all endured easily enough, and now and then there were outbursts of rollicking jocundity in spite of it The mere physical suffering of privation is not a thousandth part of its pain.

By no means undignified, the face presented that combination of slyness and jocundity which we are accustomed to imagine of the canonical jolly- dogs in mediaeval tales. The gamesome Curate of Meudon might have supplied some parts of the countenance; cunning Friar Tuck the remainder.

The truth is, James, like a true student, indulged, even to his dress, an utter carelessness of parade, and there was in his character a constitutional warmth of heart and a jocundity of temper which did not always adapt it to state-occasions; he threw out his feelings, and sometimes his jests. Lord Bolingbroke declares that the king held this conference "in haste to show his parts."

In literature as in all else man merits his subjection to trivialities by a kind of economical greed. A condition for using justly and gaily any decoration would seem to be a certain reluctance. Ornament strange as the doctrine sounds in a world decivilised was in the beginning intended to be something jocund; and jocundity was never to be achieved but by postponement, deference, and modesty.