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The Iapudes and Histri at the head of the Adriatic were the objects of a campaign of the consul Tuditanus, while four years later Fulvius Flaccus commenced operations amongst the Gauls and Ligurians beyond the Alps, which were to find their completion seventy-five years later in the conquests of Caesar.

Now the Salassi, Taurisci, Liburni, and Iapudes had not for a long time been behaving fairly toward the Romans, but had failed to contribute revenue and sometimes would invade and harm the neighboring districts. At this time, in view of Octavius's absence, they were openly in revolt. Consequently he turned back and began his preparations against them.

Against the Taurisci and Iapudes and Dalmatians and Pannonians you yourselves now before me battled most zealously and frequently for some few walls and desert land; you subdued all of them though they are admittedly a most warlike race; and, by Jupiter, against Sextus also, for Sicily merely, and against this very Antony, for Mutina merely, you carried on a similar struggle, so that you came out victorious over both.

For Caesar, being in need of soldiers and fearing that Antony would appropriate them, said that he pardoned them, and he found them most useful for all tasks. At this time he himself led the campaign against the Iapudes, assigning the rest of the tribes to others to subdue.