Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: January 5, 2025
"Sure!" said Red, and went to the door. There stood two women of that indefinite period between forty and sixty, very decently dressed and with some agitation visible in the way they fussily adjusted various parts of their attire. They started at the sudden spectacle of the huge man who said pleasantly, "Howderdo, ladies!"
"Durned if we ain't right back where we started from," mourned Red to himself. "If it's one of the customs of this country saying 'howderdo' an hour at a stretch, I pass it up." Aloud, he said, "Coming along fine how's your father?" "Cuss me if I don't shift the cut a little, anyhow," he added mentally. "Why, he's very well indeed!" exclaimed the lady with fervor.
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