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The blurs swayed like battered leaves on a vine that the wind tore in two at last and flung the living beings wide. Dan, slinging to the broken rope, rolled over and found Hillas with the frayed end of the line in his hand, reaching about through the black drifts for the stranger. Dan crept closer, his mouth at Hillas's ear, shouting, "Quick! Right behind me if we're to live through it!"

It's all I can do to stay here." Smith regarded him irritably. "Why should any sane man ever have chosen this frozen wilderness?" Hillas closed his eyes wearily. "We came in the spring." "I see!" The edged voice snapped, "Visionaries!" Hillas's eyes opened again, wide, and then the boy was looking beyond the man with the far-seeing eyes of the plainsman.

The blurs swayed like battered leaves on a vine that the wind tore in two at last and flung the living beings wide. Dan, clinging to the broken rope, rolled over and found Hillas with the frayed end of the line in his hand, reaching about through the black drifts for the stranger. Dan crept closer, his mouth at Hillas's ear, shouting, "Quick! Right behind me if we're to live through it!"

It's all I can do to stay here." Smith regarded him irritably. "Why should any sane man ever have chosen this frozen wilderness?" Hillas closed his eyes wearily. "We came in the Spring." "I see!" The edged voice snapped, "Visionaries!" Hillas's eyes opened again, wide, and then the boy was looking beyond the man with the far-seeing eyes of the plainsman.