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No man has ever seen him, but my predecessor, the 'Admiral, and myself." "Bah!" ejaculated the captain, "they are as plenty as soft clams, in the Mediterranean, and the Egyptians use them as a pan-fish. In the East, they catch them to bait with, for hallibut, and other middling sized creatures, that are particular about their diet. It is a good fish, I own, as is seen in this very circumstance."

Hallibut are caught in unlimited quantities, upon banks near all the Indian villages; small salmon of excellent quality frequent nearly all the larger streams in the spring, and a much larger, though inferior kind in the fall of the year.

He wedded the Finn girl, and moved over to Malang, where he got him a clearing in the forest, and he lives there now, and is doing well, they say. A district in northern Norway. A boat with three oars on each side. A long pole, with a hooked iron spike at the end of it, for spearing Kvejte or hallibut with. A large boat with five oars on each side, used for winter fishing in northern Norway.

The largest quantity of yellow cedar seen was on Soos-u-uns Lake, which is believed to be too small to warrant the expenditure necessary to obtain it. FISH. Hallibut, herring, salmon, salmon trout, and dog fish are caught in unlimited quantities in the waters described, also black cod or skill, all along the west coast of the islands.