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Provisions all out, which Compells us to kill one of our horses to eate and make Suep for the Sick men. Several others Came from different directions The two men Frasure and Guterich return late from the Vllage with Fish roots &c. which they purchased as our horse is eaten we have nothing to eate except dried fish & roots which disagree with us verry much. The after part of this day verry warm.

Mockerson of Whitehouse, a Small Indian basket of Guterich, & 2 Doz weasels tales of the Squar of Shabono, & Some black roots of the Indians G. D. Saw a Snake passing across the parth Our Diner to day Consisted of pore Elk boiled, Spilt fish & Some roots, a bad Christmass diner worm Day The day proved Showerey wet and disagreeable.

Lewis bled him & gave Niter which has revived him much Oddeway was waiting at a Creek on the S. S. below an Island, passed two Island on the S. S. and came to at the upper point, G Drewyer went out R. Fields & Guterich, five men Sick to day with a violent Head ake &c. and Several with Boils, we appoint a Cook to each mess to take Charge of the Provisions. in Serjt. Pryor's = Collens in Sjt.

Willard do do up R Willard do do up J. Potts do do falls R. Frasure do do up Wm. Bratten do do up R. Fields do do falls J. B. Thompson do do up J. Colter do do up H. Hall do do S. R. Labeech do do S R Peter Crusatte do do S R J. B. Depage do do up Shabono S. Guterich do do falls W. Werner do do up Go. Gibson do do up Jos.