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Amongst his familiar friends was Francesco Granacci, a scholar of Domenico del Grillandaio, who, seeing the ardent longing and burning desire of the child, determined to aid him, and continually exhorted him to the study of art, now lending him drawings and now taking him with him to the workshops of his master when some works were going forward from which he might learn.

For that purpose he frequented the fish-market and observed the forms and tints of the scales and fins of fish and the colours of their eyes and all their other parts, copying them in his picture, which much conduced to the perfection of that work, exciting the wonder of the world, and, as I have said, some envy in Grillandaio; this was much more seen one day when Michael Angelo asked to see his book of drawings in which were represented shepherds with their flocks and dogs, landscapes, buildings, ruins, and such like things.

"Il Perugino a rare and singular artist, most excellent in wall-painting. His faces have an air of the most angelic sweetness. "Domenico de Grillandaio a good master in panels and a better one in wall-painting. His figures are good, and he is an industrious and active master, who produces much work.