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But the true tradition of this stream I think I myself possess, and I will narrate it in your own way: It was a friar of orders free, A friar of Rubygill: At the greenwood-tree a vow made he, But he kept it very ill: A vow made he of chastity, But he kept it very ill.

The Lady Ysolinde passed on daintily and proudly before me, and I followed, more like a condemned criminal lamping heavily to the scaffold than a lad of mettle accompanying a fair lady to a rendezvous of her own asking under the greenwood-tree. But I need not have feared. The Princess's mood was mild, and I saw her in a humor in which I had never seen her before.

Having by that time become weary of this uncongenial mode of life, he obtained permission from the king to pay a visit to his old residence at Barnesdale. Here he resumes once more his former way of life 'under the greenwood-tree, and becomes again chief of the outlaws of Barnesdale and Sherwood.

Is my hospitable friend with me? he with whom I partook of that delicious liquor under 'the greenwood-tree'?" He then searched about, and in doing so his hands came necessarily in contact with the bulky person of the baronet. "What!" he proceeded, supposing still that it was Gillespie, "is this you, my friend? but I take that fact for granted.