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For ourselves, we perceived no effect any more then a quickening of the pulse. At 10,000 feet above the ground we set a little green-finch at liberty. He flew out at once, but immediately returning, settled upon our cordage; afterwards, setting out again, he flew to the earth, describing a very tortuous line in his passage. We followed him with our eyes till he was lost in the clouds.

The green-finch that beautiful-winged Mrs Gummidge among birds is also abundant, and slips down nervously every now and then among the groundsel in the unweeded garden. I confess the greenfinch has all my sympathy, but it rather bores me. What the deuce is it worrying about? There is no poetry in its lamentation only a sort of habitual formula of a poor, lorn woman.

"It's my scholar's cloak; I put my other on young Wibisma's shoulders yesterday." "The Spanish green-finch?" "I told you about the boys' brawl." "Yes, yes. And the monkey kept your cloak?" "You came for me and wouldn't wait. They probably sent it back soon after our departure." "And their lordships expect thanks because the young nobleman accepted it!" "No, no; the baron expressed his gratitude."

"It's my scholar's cloak; I put my other on young Wibisma's shoulders yesterday." "The Spanish green-finch?" "I told you about the boys' brawl." "Yes, yes. And the monkey kept your cloak?" "You came for me and wouldn't wait. They probably sent it back soon after our departure." "And their lordships expect thanks because the young nobleman accepted it!" "No, no; the baron expressed his gratitude."

"It's my scholar's cloak; I put my other on young Wibisma's shoulders yesterday." "The Spanish green-finch?" "I told you about the boys' brawl." "Yes, yes. And the monkey kept your cloak?" "You came for me and wouldn't wait. They probably sent it back soon after our departure." "And their lordships expect thanks because the young nobleman accepted it!" "No, no; the baron expressed his gratitude."