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Abdomen seven-jointed, the first joint scarcely visible, shaped much as in Gonoplax, but rather wider, the base of the terminal joint longer than the sides.

Four hind pairs of legs long, slender, compressed, the upper edges of the second and third pairs fringed with hairs, as well as the lower edge of the two terminal joints, the claws long, thin, and somewhat bent. Habitat: Port Curtis. Shoal water, mudbanks. This fine Crustacean is allied to Gonoplax and Curtonotus; and being one of the most prominent species sent home by Mr.

The fishes are remarkable for the singularity of their form, and the beauty of their colours; those brought to us by the inhabitants belonged to the Holocentrus, Scarus, Mullus, Chætodon, Heniochus, Amphacanthus, Theutis, and Fistularia. Of Crustacea we saw twenty different kinds; among them a Gonoplax of the middling size, and as white as the coral-sand, among which it lives, on the shore.

The eye-pedicles very long and cylindrical, thickest at the base, slightly bent, somewhat thickened towards the end, so long, that, when bent back, the eye extends a little beyond the end of the spine. Mouth formed nearly as in Gonoplax, the third joint of the jaw-feet wider than long.