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We found her once more alone indeed, I believe her father wrought all day in the fields and she curtsied dutifully to the gentry-folk and the beautiful young lady in the riding-coat. "Is this all the welcome I am to get?" said I, holding out my hand. "And have you no more memory of old friends?" "Keep me! wha's this of it?" she cried, and then, "God's truth, it's the tautit laddie!"

We found her once more alone indeed, I believe her father wrought all day in the fields and she curtsied dutifully to the gentry-folk and the beautiful young lady in the riding-coat. "Is this all the welcome I am to get?" said I, holding out my hand. "And have you no more memory of old friends?" "Keep me! wha's this of it?" she cried, and then, "God's truth, it's the tautit laddie!"

Such persons would bring their lines of demarcation with them, and in their new milieu of backwoods settlers and small traders would find no difficulty in drawing them again. But it was a very long time ago. The little knot of gentry-folk soon found the limitations of their new conditions; years went by in decades, aggrandizing none of them.

We found her once more alone indeed, I believe her father wrought all day in the fields and she curtsied dutifully to the gentry-folk and the beautiful young lady in the riding coat. "Is this all the welcome I am to get?" said I, holding out my hand. "And have you no more memory of old friends?" "Keep me! wha's this of it?" she cried, and then, "God's truth, it's the tautit laddie!"