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And after these ten days are ended, thirty days being in all expired, then open the last window of the last degree of fire, keep it ten days in this degree, this high red pouder will then begin to flux, let it stand so in flux the ten days, then take it out, you will find at the bottom a very high, red, transparent stone of a Ruby Colour, flux'd according to the form of the Glass, as is taught in the Treatise of Vitriol, wherewith you may make projection.

Minerals also by the Action of the Fire may be brought to afford Colours very differing from their own, as I not long since noted to you about the variously Colour'd Flowers of Antimony, to which we may add the Whitish Grey-Colour of its Calx, and the Yellow or Reddish Colour of the Glass, where into that Calx may be flux'd.

Now my Child, you may take the half of your Powder, put it into a Glass and melt it, have in readiness a Mould made hollow, of Box-wood, great or small as you please, it must be made smooth and even within with an Instrument, anoint it with Oil Olive, and when your red Powder is flux'd, poure it into the Mould, it will be a precious Stone, red as a Ruby, clear and transparent, take it out of the Mould, and make projection upon the imperfect Metals, and in the Body of Man.